It’s been hard to turn off the news. Somehow there are those that sneak in — not necessarily as obnoxious as links sent in group chats accompanied with finger-pointing emojis — in the form of a throwaway remark or commentary from an initially welcomed conversation.

But even with so many filters in place, there are some that shakes you awake, leaving you frustrated and inching you closer to the danger zone of apathy. 

And this zone of apathy and no action is precisely where they want us to be. The ones who have no respect for the rights and the well-being of the people. The ones who eat first and makes sure he gets to back for a sixth or seventh helping; without waiting in line. Before throwing scraps of last week’s dinner on the floor to ‘share’ or ‘offer’ out of ‘goodwill’.  

. . .

Admittedly, even in typing out today’s dispatch is almost derailing. I started my day off well. (The perks of being in a safe, conducive and supportive environment.) It’s now 7.41am and even the act of thinking of the words that will come next threatens the very health of my headspace for the remaining hours of the day. Beckoning the rumination of all that is wrong and those who have wronged. 

When unsurprising news of the latest act of arrogance and entitlement of a person of authority (not a leader, but one who exercises authority) slips through the cracks, you’re annoyance towards the person moves and festers inwards; wondering why you thought this time it would be different. You grieve you naivety. You grieve the things that were lost. And the things that will be lost.

A note on ‘person of authority’ VS ‘leader’: Once a person or authority falls from his high (baby)chair, his ‘followers’ will merely follow what they know and want best (for themselves): the next money pot.

. . .

When a person of authority disregards the voice of the people and that of his colleagues, it really makes you question: why bother at all?

Why bother to take a stand — if someone is going to sweep-kick you at the ding of the bell?

Why bother to speak — if someone is going to gaslight your experiences and beliefs?

Why bother at all?

Because this is exactly where they want us. By simply saying ‘no’, the arrogant ‘no’, and showing a complete disregard for science, culture and history, they’re trying to keep us in our boxes in their attempts to remind us that we don’t make a difference. That we can’t make a difference. And it always has been, and thus always will be, up to the person ‘at the top’ to decide. 

This, is what we’ve been conditioned to believe. In schools and, for some, at home. Punished for speaking up and for asking questions. So, after decades of being forced into the system, the moment you finally decide to take a stand for something bigger than yourself, it’s conveninient, to quickly revert to the comfortable status quo. The ‘Oh, well. What to do? At least I tried,’ at the very hint of no success. 

But in all honesty how hard did you try? How many times did you try? Was it one Tweet? Was it one vote? One letter? One like? One conversation?

For those who answer: ‘It’s been a lifetime. A lifetime of trying. Of shouting. Of screaming. Of defending. But nothing has changed.’

I hear you.

Don’t give up. 

It may take many lifetimes for the people to catch up. But please, don’t give up.

It’s not a zero sum game. Unless all players, not just the mastermind, have been forcefully removed from the game, and the console destroyed, it’s not over. 

It’s not a zero sum game because while there might be a ‘loser’ and a ‘winner’ at the ‘end’; an election result, a board decision, the number of re-shares and likes — those things can still be changed.

Change will not happen in the moment.

But it can happen over time.

The day you sow the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. 

Signing the petition. Casting that vote. Engaging in conversation. Those are individual, one-time actions. It’s a lifelong process to cultivate those habits. 

. . .

Of course, it’s tiring. 

It’s distressing to not have your voice heard. 

It’s frustrating to be ignored. But there is no shame in having another invalidate your opinions. You were ignored by the other, the person of authority in that moment; because that is the only thing that they know to do. And the only thing that they seemingly have to do with keep their ‘winnings’. 

Yes, it’s extremely tiring. 

We can all lie in bed and do nothing — because we can. And because no one will know if we ‘tried’ or not. There are no consequences if we don’t take action. And because, maybe, just maybe, someone else will take care of it. Maybe someone else will right all that’s wrong. 

But maybe, just maybe, that someone is you.

Categories: Dispatches