Making sense of the learning curve often feels like that hurried attempt to untangle headphone wires as a call is coming in; while wishing you had looped the wires a little neater the night before.
A couple of weeks ago, I closed the webstore temporarily. To not just hit the brakes, but to pull into park. As systems, logistics and monopolies rear their heads as we enter the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to not only choose yourself (instead of waiting for others to pick you) and to choose the right partners. Don’t get me wrong, Vol.4: Seeds is well on its way. It’s just that when you run everything alone, you really cannot do everything at once. Especially not sales, marketing, business development, commissioning, writing, designing and more.
While I’m still looking for long-term partners with shared values, for the purpose of not jumping every time someone thinks to throw a bone in the direction of this project from a position of ego and grandiosity.
Again, in the final month here at Rimbun Dahan, there’s the sudden panic of what has been completed, what is left to be completed. I was asked at a Mastermind about my takeaways and lessons learned in the past week. But there wasn’t a pretty, manifesto poster-ready lesson. Just the process of untangling — not just one headset — but multiple wires of the same colour.
Keep an eye out here as things are happening offline and in the backend. (And of course, the reopening of the webstore.)
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